Phonon-induced quadrupolar ordering of the magnetic superconductor TmNi$_2$B$_2$C
Phonon-mediated anisotropic superconductivity in the Y and Lu nickel borocarbides
Phonon-mediated detection of elementary particles using silicon crystal acoustic detectors
Phononic pairing glue in cuprates and related high-temperature superconductors
Phononic Self energy effects and superconductivity in CaC$_6$
Phonons and hole localization in La(1.475)Nd(0.4)Sr(0.125)CuO(4)
Phonons and superconductivity in YbC$_6$ and related compounds
Phonons as a probe of the magnetic state in doped and undoped BaFe2As2
Phonons in intrinsic Josephson systems with parallel magnetic field
Phonons in MgB2 by Polarized Raman Scattering on Single Crystals
Phonons, electronic charge response and electron-phonon interaction in the high-temperature superconductors
Phosphor induced significant hole-doping in ferropnictide superconductor BaFe2(As(1-x)Px)2
Photo-assisted Andreev reflection as a probe of quantum noise
Photoelectron Escape Depth and Inelastic Secondaries in High Temperature Superconductors
Photoemission and the Origin of High Temperature Superconductivity
Photoemission and x-ray absorption study of MgC_(1-x)Ni_3
Photoemission Evidence for a Remnant Fermi Surface and d-Wave-Like Dispersion in Insulating Ca2CuO2Cl2
Photoemission from Ordered Stripe Phases
Photoemission in the High Tc Superconductors
Photoemission kinks and phonons in cuprates