On the origin of the reversed vortex ratchet motion
On the Origin of the Tunneling Asymmetry in the Cuprate Superconductors
On the Origin of the Tunneling Asymmetry in the Cuprate Superconductors: a variational perspective
On the peak in the far-infrared conductivity of strongly anisotropic cuprates
On the Phase Diagram of Josephson Junction Arrays with Offset Charges
On the phase diagrams of the ferromagnetic superconductors ZrZn2 and UGe2
On the phonon-induced superconductivity of disordered alloys
On the possibility of a long range proximity effect in a ferromagnetic nanoparticle
On the possibility of a metallic phase in granular superconducting films
On the possibility of fast vortices in the cuprates: A vortex plasma model analysis of THz conductivity and diamagnetism in La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuO$_4$
On the Possibility of New High Tc Superconductors by Producing metal Heterostructures as in the Cuprate Perovskites
On the possibility of superconductivity at higher temperatures in sp-valent diborides
On the possibility of superconductivity in PrBa2Cu3O7
On the possibility that STS "gap-maps" of cuprate single crystals are dominated by k-space anisotropy and not by nano-scale inhomogeneity
On the possible common nature of the ground state in Cu- and Fe-based HTSCs
On the possible mechanism of superconductivity in cuprates and pnictides
On the possible secondary component of the order parameter observed in London penetration depth measurements
On the probability of quantum phase slips in superconducting nanowires
On the Properties of Hydrogen Terminated Diamond as a Photocathode
On the properties of superconducting planar resonators at mK temperatures