On the electric activity of superfluid systems
On the electronic structure of electron doped LaOFeAs as seen by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
On the equilibrium magnetization of high-Tc superconductors below the irreversibility line
On the evolution of a superconducting cosmic string network
On the existence of a Bose Metal at T=0
On the field dependence of the vortex core size
On the flux jumps in the flux creep regime of type - II superconductors
On the formation of gyration-like excitations in solid solutions
On the generation of multipartite entangled states in Josephson architectures
On the Ginzburg-Landau Analysis of the Lower Critical Field Hc1 in MgB2
On the Ginzburg-Landau Analysis of the Upper Critical Field Hc2 in MgB2
On the global bifurcation diagram for the one-dimensional Ginzburg Landau model of superconductivity
On the heat current in the magnetic field: Nernst-Ettingshausen effect above the superconducting transition
On the High Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates
On the importance of grain boundaries in high-Tc films: simulation results
On the importance of the electron-phonon coupling function on the superconducting transition temperature in dodecaboride superconductors: A comparison of LuB12 with ZrB12
On the Influence of a Non-Local Electrodynamics in the Irreversible Magnetization of Non-Magnetic Borocarbides
On the interband pairing in doped graphane
On the interplay between Tc-inhomogeneities at long length scales and thermal fluctuations around the average superconducting transition in cuprates
On the interpretation of muon-spin-rotation experiments in the mixed state of type-II superconductors