Nucleation of vortices by rapid thermal quench
Nucleosynthesis during the rapid hydrogen burning process and the abundance of Mo-92 and Mo-94
Number fluctuations of sparse quasiparticles in a superconductor
Numerical analysis of three-band models for CuO planes as candidates for a spontaneous T violating orbital current phase
Numerical extension of the power law Jc(B) to zero field in thin superconducting films
Numerical Investigation of a Bifurcation Problem with free Boundaries Arising from the Physics of Josephson Junctions
Numerical Investigation of the Dynamics of a Thin Film Type II Superconductor with and without Disorder
Numerical investigation of the second harmonic effects in the LJJ
Numerical Method for Zero-Temperature Vortex-Line Phase Diagrams
Numerical Model for Calculating the Field Dependence of the Irreversible Magnetisation of Hard Ssuperconductors in High Pulsed Magnetic Fields
Numerical Renormalization Group Study of Kondo Effect in Unconventional Superconductors
Numerical simulation evidence of dynamical transverse Meissner effect and moving Bose glass phase
Numerical simulation of the magnetization of high-temperature superconductors: 3D finite element method using a single time-step iteration
Numerical Simulation of the Nernst Effect in Extreme Type-II Superconductors: A Negative Nernst Signal and its Noise Power Spectra
Numerical simulation of thermal noise in Josephson circuits
Numerical simulations on ion acoustic double layers
Numerical Studies of Quantum Oscillations in the Superconducting vortex mixed state
Numerical studies of the phase diagram of layered type II superconductors in a magnetic field
Numerical Study of a Superconducting Glass Model
Numerical study of duality and universality in a frozen superconductor