Non-Fermi-liquid behavior and d-wave superconductivity near the charge-density-wave quantum critical point
Non-Fermi-Liquid Transport Phenomena and Superconductivity Driven by Orbital Fluctuations in Iron Pnictides: Analysis by Fluctuation-Exchange Approximation
Non-Fermi-Liquid-Like Behaviors and Superconductivity Driven by Orbital Fluctuations in Iron Pnictides: Analysis by Fluctuation-Exchange Approximation
Non-Fraunhofer Interference Pattern in Inhomogeneous Ferromagnetic Josephson Junctions
Non-Gaussian dephasing in flux qubits due to 1/f-noise
Non-Hermitian Luttinger liquids and flux line pinning in planar superconductors
Non-ideal artificial phase discontinuity in long Josephson 0-kappa-junctions
Non-interacting Cooper pairs inside a pseudogap
Non-k-diagonality in the interlayer pair-tunneling model of high-temperature superconductivity
Non-Linear and Non-Local Meissner Effect in Superconducting Wires
Non-linear effect of uniaxial pressure on superconductivity in CeCoIn5
Non-linear effects in hopping conduction of single-crystal La_{2}CuO_{4 + δ}
Non-linear feedback effects in coupled Boson-Fermion systems
Non-linear microwave impedance of short and long Josephson Junctions
Non-linear Microwave Surface Impedance of Epitaxial HTS Thin Films in Low DC Magnetic Fields
Non-linear quantum critical transport and the Schwinger Mechanism
Non-linear sigma-model for odd triplet superconductivity in superconductor/ferromagnet structures
Non-linear Temperature Dependence of Resistivity in Single Crystalline Ag$_5$Pb$_2$O$_6$
Non-linear theory of deformable superconductors
Non-local Andreev reflection in superconducting quantum dots