Granularity-induced gapless superconductivity in NbN films: evidence of thermal phase fluctuations
Granulated superconductors:from the nonlinear sigma model to the Bose-Hubbard description
Graphene doping to enhance flux pinning and supercurrent carrying ability in magnesium diboride superconductor
Graphite intercalation compounds under pressure
Gravitation electromagnetic theory
Gravito-Electromagnetic Properties of Superconductors - A Brief Review -
Gravitomagnetic London Moment and the Graviton Mass inside a Superconductor
Gravitomagnetic London Moment in Rotating Supersolid $He^4$
Gravity's rainbow
Green function of fermions in 2D superconducting Frohlich model with inhomogeneous order parameter
Green's and spectral functions of the small Frolich polaron
Greiter replies to Demler, Zhang, Meixner, and Hanke
Griffiths effects and quantum critical points in dirty superconductors without spin-rotation invariance: One-dimensional examples
Ground state and bias current induced rearrangement of semifluxons in 0-pi long Josephson junctions
Ground state configurations of vortices in superconducting film with magnetic dot
Ground State Description of a Single Vortex in an Atomic Fermi gas: From BCS to Bose-Einstein Condensation
Ground state properties and excitation spectra of non-Galilean invariant interacting Bose systems
Ground state properties of charge and magnetically frustrated two--dimensional quantum Josephson--junction arrays
Ground state properties of fluxlines in a disordered environment
Ground State Properties of the Doped 3-Leg t-J Ladder