Self-consistent calculation of the single particle scattering rate in high $Tc$ cuprates
Self-consistent Conserving Theory for Quantum Impurity Systems: Renormalization Group Analysis
Self-consistent density functional calculations of the crystal field levels in lanthanide and actinide dioxides
Self-consistent description of Andreev bound states in Josephson quantum dot devices
Self-consistent Fermi surface renormalization of two coupled Luttinger liquids
Self-Consistent Fluctuation Theory for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
Self-consistent fluid model for a quantum electron gas
Self-consistent Green function approach for calculations of electronic structure in transition metals
Self-consistent GW combined with single site DMFT for a Hubbard model
Self-consistent local GW method: Application to 3d and 4d metals
Self-Consistent Modification To The Electron Density Of States Due To Electron-Phonon Coupling In Metals
Self-consistent Overhauser model for the pair distribution function of an electron gas in dimensionalities D=3 and D=2
Self-Consistent Perturbation Theory for Thermodynamics of Magnetic Impurity Systems
Self-consistent perturbational study of insulator-to-metal transition in Kondo insulators due to strong magnetic field
Self-Consistent Random Phase Approximation - Application to the Hubbard Model for finite number of sites
Self-consistent renormalization theory of spin fluctuations in paramagnetic spinel LiV2O4
Self-Consistent Second Order Perturbation Theory for the Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions
Self-consistent self-energy analysis of photoemission data
Self-consistent slave rotor mean field theory for strongly correlated systems
Self-consistent theory of compact QED3 with relativistic fermions