Searching for the Slater Transition in the Pyrochlore Cd$_{2}$Os$_{2}$O$_{7}$ with Infrared Spectroscopy
Searching for topological density wave insulators in multi-orbital square lattice systems
Second harmonic generation in a polar ferrimagnet GaFeO3
Second harmonic generation on incommensurate structures: The case of multiferroic MnWO4
Second Low Temperature Phase Transition in Frustrated UNi_4B
Second-order electronic correlation effects in a one-dimensional metal
Second-order quantum corrections for the frustrated, spatially anisotropic, spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice
Seeing the light : experimental signatures of emergent electromagnetism in a quantum spin ice
Segmented Band Mechanism for Itinerant Ferromagnetism
Segregation and charge-density-wave order in the spinless Falicov-Kimball model
Selection Rules for Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering from Tetragonal Copper-Oxides
Selective Mott transition and heavy fermions
Selective substitution in orbital domains of a low doped manganite : an investigation from Griffiths phenomenon and modification of glassy features
Self consistent GW determination of the interaction strength: application to the iron arsenide superconductors
Self-adapting method for the localization of quantum critical points using Quantum Monte Carlo techniques
Self-consistency functional equation in strongly correlated electron systems: a different approach
Self-consistency over the charge-density in dynamical mean-field theory: a linear muffin-tin implementation and some physical implications
Self-consistent analysis of electron-phonon coupling parameters of graphene
Self-consistent approach for excitons in quantum wells
Self-consistent approach for the quantum confined Stark effect in shallow quantum wells