Scattering of charge carriers in graphene induced by topological defects
Scattering of hole excitations in a one-dimensional spinless quantum liquid
Scattering of magnetic solitons in two dimensions
Scattering rate, transport and specific heat in a metal close to a quantum critical point : emergence of a robust Fermi liquid picture ?
Scattering theories for the 1D Hubbard model
SCES '08 - concluding remarks
Schwinger Boson approach to the fully screened Kondo model
Schwinger Boson Mean Field Theories of Spin Liquid States on Honeycomb Lattice: Projective Symmetry Group Analysis and Critical Field Theory
Schwinger boson mean field theory of the Heisenberg Ferrimagnetic Spin Chain
Schwinger Bosons Approaches to Quantum Antiferromagnetism
Schwinger-Boson Mean Field Solution of Spin-1 (or 1/2) 2D Anisotropic Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
Schwinger-Boson Mean-Field Theory of Mixed-Spin Antiferromagnet $L_2BaNiO_5$
Schwinger-Keldysh semionic approach for quantum spin systems
Screened Coulomb interaction in the maximally localized Wannier basis
Screened Interaction and Self-Energy in an Infinitesimally Polarized Electron Gas via the Kukkonen-Overhauser Method
Screened-interaction expansion for the Hubbard model and determination of the quantum Monte Carlo Fermi surface
Screening and Dissipation at the Superconductor-Insulator Transition Induced by a Metallic Ground Plane
Screening effects in Coulomb frustrated phase separation
Screening effects in the electron-optical phonon interaction
Screening of a point charge: a fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo study