Skyrmion Strings and Anomalous Hall Effect in Double Exchange Systems
Skyrmion strings and the anomalous Hall effect in CrO$_2$
Skyrmions and Anomalous Hall Effect in a Dzyloshinskii-Moriya Spiral Magnet
Skyrmions and Their Sizes in Helimagnets
Skyrmions in a Doped Antiferromagnet
Skyrmions in the Moore-Read state at nu=5/2
Skyrmions with quadratic band touching fermions: A way to achieve charge 4e superconductivity
Slater Transition in the Pyrochlore Cd2Os2O7
Slave Boson Approach to The Neutron Scattering in YBCO Superconductors
Slave boson theory for transport through magnetic molecules with vibronic states
Slave boson theory of the extended Falicov-Kimball model
Slave bosons in radial gauge: a bridge between path integral and hamiltonian language
Slave Bosons in Radial Gauge: the Correct Functional Integral Representation and Inclusion of Non-Local Interactions
Slave fermion approach to the metallic phase in large $U_d$ high-T$_c$ cuprates
Slave rotor theory of antiferromagnetic Hubbard model
Slave spin cluster mean field theory away from half-filling: Application to the Hubbard and the extended Hubbard Model
Slave-boson approach to the infinite-U Anderson-Holstein impurity model
Slave-boson approach to the metallic stripe phases with large unit cells
Slave-boson based configuration-interaction approach for the Hubbard model
Slave-boson field fluctuation approach to the extended Falicov-Kimball model: charge, orbital, and excitonic susceptibilities