Singlet Ground State and Spin Gap in S=1/2 Kagome Antiferromagnet Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$
Singlet ground state in the spin-1/2 dimer compound Sr3Cr2O8
Singlet ground state probed by crystal field inelastic neutron spectroscopy on the antiferroquadrupolar system TmGa_{3}
Singlet-triplet dispersion reveals additional frustration in the triangular dimer compound Ba$_3$Mn$_2$O$_8$
Singlet-triplet excitations and high-field magnetization in CuTe2O5
Singlet-Triplet Excitations in the Unconventional Spin-Peierls System TiOBr
Singlet-triplet Hamiltonian for spin excitation in the Kondo-insulator
Singular dynamics and pseudogap formation in the underscreened Kondo impurity and Kondo lattice models
Singular Dynamics of Underscreened Magnetic Impurity Models
Singular Effect of Disorder on Electronic Transport in Strong Coupling Electron-Phonon Systems
Singular Effects of Impurities near the Ferromagnetic Quantum-Critical Point
Singular Fermi Liquids
Singular non-ordering susceptibility at a Pomeranchuk instability
Singular order parameter interaction at nematic quantum critical point in two dimensional electron systems
Singular perturbation theory for interacting fermions in two dimensions
Singular responses of spin-incoherent Luttinger liquids
Singular Structure and Enhanced Friedel Oscillations in the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
Singularities and Pseudogaps in the Density of States of Peierls Chains
Singularities in ground state fidelity and quantum phase transitions for the Kitaev model
Singularities in the Bethe solution of the XXX and XXZ Heisenberg spin chains