Single-particle dynamics of the Anderson model: a local moment approach
Single-particle dynamics of the Anderson model: a two-self-energy description within the numerical renormalization group approach
Single-particle Excitation Spectra of C$_{60}$ Molecules and Monolayers
Single-particle excitations and phonon softening in the one-dimensional spinless Holstein model
Single-particle excitations under coexisting electron correlation and disorder: a numerical study of the Anderson-Hubbard model
Single-particle properties of a model for coexisting charge and spin quasi-critical fluctuations coupled to electrons
Single-Particle Properties of a Two-Dimensional Fermi Liquid at finite Frequencies and Temperatures
Single-Particle Pseudogap in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems
Single-particle spectral function of quarter-filled ladder systems
Single-particle spectral function of the Holstein-Hubbard bipolaron
Single-particle spectrum for a model of fermions interacting with two-level local excitations on a lattice: A dynamical CPA approach
Single-Particle Spectrum in the Electron-Doped Cuprates
Single-photon tunneling
Single-plane-wave Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell state in BCS--Bose-Einstein condensation crossover
Single-site Anderson Model. I Diagrammatic theory
Single-site Anderson model. II Perturbation theory of symmetric model
Single-site entanglement at superconductor-insulator transition in the Hirsch model
Singlet and triplet bipolarons on the triangular lattice
Singlet Excitations in Pyrochlore: A Study of Quantum Frustration
Singlet Ground State and Magnetization Plateaus in Ba$_3$Mn$_2$O$_8$