Single particle spectrum of the flux phase in the FM Kondo Model
Single shot measurement of a silicon single electron transistor
Single Wall Nanotubes: Atomic Like Behaviour and Microscopic Approach
Single-Band Model for Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors: Dynamical and Transport Properties and Relevance of Clustered States
Single-Component Molecular Metals as Multiband π-d Systems
Single-crystal growth and dependences on the hole concentration and magnetic field of the magnetic ground state in the edge-sharing CuO$_2$ chain system Ca$_{2+x}$Y$_{2-x}$Cu$_5$O$_{10}$
Single-crystal growth and magnetic properties of the metallic molybdate pyrochlore Sm2Mo2O7
Single-Crystal Organic Field Effect Transistors with the Hole Mobility ~ 8 cm2/Vs
Single-hole dynamics in dimerized and frustrated spin-chains
Single-hole dynamics in the half-filled two-dimensional Kondo-Hubbard model
Single-hole dynamics in the t-J model
Single-hole properties of the t-J model on the honeycomb lattice
Single-ion and exchange anisotropy effects and multiferroic behavior in high-symmetry tetramer single molecule magnets
Single-ion anisotropy in the gadolinium pyrochlores studied by an electron paramagnetic resonance
Single-ion anisotropy, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and negative magnetoresistance of the spin-1/2 pyrochlores R2V2O7
Single-ion Kondo behavior of a novel Kondo lattice, CeNi9Si4
Single-ion Kondo Scaling of the Coherent Fermi Liquid Regime in Ce1-xLaxNi2Ge2
Single-ion versus two-ion anisotropy in magnetic compounds: A neutron scattering study
Single-particle and collective mode couplings associated with 1- and 2-directional electronic ordering in metallic RTe$_3$ (R = Ho, Dy, Tb)
Single-Particle Dynamics in the Vicinity of the Mott-Hubbard Metal-to-Insulator Transition