Single crystals of the anisotropic Kagome staircase compounds Ni3V2O8 and Co3V2O8
Single domain magnetic helicity and triangular chirality in structurally enantiopure Ba3NbFe3Si2O14
Single domain to multi-domain transition due to in-plane magnetic anisotropy in phase separated (La$_{0.4}$Pr$_{0.6}$)$_{0.67}$Ca$_{0.33}$MnO$_{3}$ thin films
Single electron magneto-conductivity of a nondegenerate 2D electron system in a quantizing magnetic field
Single hole and vortex excitations in the doped Rokhsar-Kivelson quantum dimer model on the triangular lattice
Single hole doped strongly correlated ladder with a static impurity
Single hole dynamics in dimerized spin liquids
Single hole dynamics in the Kondo Necklace and Bilayer Heisenberg models on a square lattice
Single hole dynamics in the one dimensional t-J model
Single hole dynamics in the t-J model on a square lattice
Single hole dynamics in the t-J model on two- and three-leg ladders
Single hole motion in LaMnO$_3$
Single Impurity Anderson Model with Coulomb Repulsion between Conduction Electrons on the Nearest-Neighbour Ligand Orbital
Single magnetic chirality in the magneto-electric NdFe$_3$($^{11}$BO$_3$)$_4$
Single Mott Transition in Multi-Orbital Hubbard Model
Single or multi-flavor Kondo effect in graphene
Single particle and collective excitations in the one-dimensional charge density wave solid K0.3MoO3 probed in real time by femtosecond spectroscopy
Single particle excitations of the Kondo lattice
Single particle spectra of charge transfer insulators by cluster perturbation theory - the correlated band structure of NiO
Single particle spectral weight and ARPES spectra in the bond-ordered stripe phase of doped antiferromagnets