Sharp increase of the effective mass near the critical density in a metallic 2D electron system
Sharp optical phonon softening close to optimal doping in La$_{2-x}$Ba$_x$CuO$_{4+δ}$
Sharp switching of the magnetization in Fe1/4TaS2
Sharp transition for single polarons in the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
Sharp Transition to a Spin-Ordered Phase in the 2D Electron System in Silicon MOSFET's
Sharp Valence Change as Origin of Drastic Change of Fermi Surface and Transport Anomalies in CeRhIn5 under Pressure
Sharply increasing effective mass: a precursor of the spontaneous spin polarization in a dilute two-dimensional electron system
Shashkin et al. reply to cond-mat/0410409
Shedding light on non-equilibrium dynamics of a spin coupled to fermionic reservoir
Shifted COCG method and its application to double orbital extended Hubbard model
Short Range Interaction Effects on the Density of States of Disordered Two Dimensional Crystals with a half--filled band
Short small-polaron lifetime in the mixed-valence perovskite Cs$_2$Au$_2$I$_6$ from high-pressure pump-probe experiments
Short-distance thermal correlations in the massive XXZ chain
Short-distance thermal correlations in the XXZ chain
Short-range antiferromagnetic correlations in Kondo insulators
Short-range Charge and Spin Superstructures in Doped Layered Co Perovskites
Short-range charge-order in $R$NiO$_{3}$ perovskites ($R$=Pr,Nd,Eu) probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Short-range magnetic correlations in Tb5Ge4
Short-range magnetic ordering process for the triangular lattice compound NiGa2S4: a positive muon spin rotation and relaxation study
Short-Range Ordered Phase of the Double-Exchange Model in Infinite Dimensions