Sensitivity of the Mott Transition to Non-cubic Splitting of the Orbital Degeneracy: Application to NH3 K3C60
Sensitivity of the photo-physical properties of organometallic complexes to small chemical changes
Sensitivity of the Superconducting Transition Temperature to Changes in the Spin-Fluctuation Spectral Weight
Separated Spin and Charge Excitations and their Coupling in the Spin-Pseudospin Model for Quarter-Filled Ladders
Separation of energy scales in undoped YbRh$_2$Si$_2$ under hydrostatic pressure
Separation of orbital contributions to the optical conductivity of BaVS$_3$
Separation of the magnetic phases at the Néel point in the diluted spin-Peierls magnet CuGeO3
Separation of two regimes in a disordered boson Hubbard Model
Sequence of first-order quantum phase transitions in a frustrated spin half dimer-plaquette chain
Sequence of multipolar transitions: Scenarios for URu2Si2
Series Expansion Analysis of a Frustrated Four-Spin-Tube
Series expansion analysis of a tetrahedral cluster spin chain
Series expansion for the density of states of the Ising and Potts models
Series Expansions for Variable Electron Density
Series of Bulk Magnetic Phase Transitions in NaxCoO2: a muSR study
Series study of the One-dimensional S-T Spin-Orbital Model
Severe Fermi Surface Reconstruction at a Metamagnetic-Transition in Ca$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$RuO$_4$ (for $0.2 \leq x \leq 0.5$)
Shakeup spectrum in a two-dimensional electron gas in a strong magnetic field
Shannon and entanglement entropies of one- and two-dimensional critical wave functions
Sharp fall of electrical resistance for a small application of magnetic field on a metastable form of a compound, Tb5Si3, under pressure