Novel Quantum Criticality in CeRu$_2$Si$_2$ near Absolute Zero Observed by Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction
Novel Spin-Gap Behavior in Layered S=1/2 Quantum Spin System TiOCl
Novel spin-liquid states in the frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice
Novel stripe-type charge ordering in the metallic A-type antiferromagnet Pr{0.5}Sr{0.5}MnO{3}
Novel superconductivity on the magnetic criticality in heavy-fermion systems : a systematic study of NQR under pressure
Novel theoretical approach in photoemission spectroscopy: application to isotope effect and boron-doped diamond
Novel weak-ferromagnetic metallic state in heavily doped Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Mn$_{2}$As$_{2}$
NQR and X-ray investigation of the structure of Na$_{2/3}$CoO$_{2}$ compound
NRG for the bosonic single-impurity Anderson model: Dynamics
Nuclear Inelastic X-Ray Scattering of FeO to 48 GPa
Nuclear Magnetic Orderings and Frustration in Bcc 3He in High Magnetic Fields
Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in the Ferrimagnetic Chain Compound NiCu(C_7_H_6_N_2_O_6_)(H_2_O)_3_2H_2_O: Three-Magnon Scattering?
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a probe of nanometre-size orbital textures in magnetic transition metal oxides
Nuclear magnetic susceptibility of metals with magnetic impurities
Nuclear relaxation in the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic chain compound Sr_2CuO_3 --- comparison between theories and experiments
Nuclear spin ferromagnetic phase transition in an interacting 2D electron gas
Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Hole Doped Two-Leg Ladders
Nuclear spin relaxation in ordered bimetallic chain compounds
Nuclear spin relaxation rates in two-leg spin ladders
Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in ferrimagnetic clusters and chains: A contrast between zero and one dimensions