Multiple Magnon Modes and Consequences for the Bose-Einstein Condensed Phase in BaCuSi2O6
Multiple ordered phases in the filled skutterudite compound PrOs$_{4}$As$_{12}$
Multiple Particle Scattering in Quantum Point Contacts
Multiple phase transitions in Ce(Rh,Ir,Co)In5 heavy-fermion superconductors
Multiple Quantum Phase Transitions of Plutonium compounds
Multiple regions of quantum criticality in YbAgGe
Multiple scattering formalism for correlated systems: A KKR+DMFT approach
Multiple spin-flop phase diagram of BaCu2Si2O7
Multiple temperature scales of the periodic Anderson model: the slave bosons approach
Multiple vortex-antivortex pair generation in magnetic nanodots
Multiple-charge transfer and trapping in DNA dimers
Multiple-source optical spectral weight transfer in ferromagnetic EuB6
Multiplet ligand-field theory using Wannier orbitals
Multiplet Structures of Charged Fullerenes
Multiplets and Crystal Fields: Systematics for X-Ray Spectroscopies
Multiplets Matter: The Electronic Structure of Rare-Earth Semiconductors and Semimetals
Multipolar Interactions in the Anderson Lattice with Orbital Degeneracy
Multipole as $f$-Electron Spin-Charge Density in Filled Skutterudites
Multipole correlations in low-dimensional f-electron systems
Multipole correlations of $t_{\rm 2g}$-orbital Hubbard model with spin-orbit coupling