Mott phases and superfluid-insulator transition of dipolar spin-three bosons in an optical lattice: implications for Cr atoms
Mott physics and band topology in materials with strong spin-orbit interaction
Mott physics and first-order transition between two metals in the normal state phase diagram of the two-dimensional Hubbard model
Mott Physics and Topological Phase Transition in Correlated Dirac Fermions
Mott Physics on Helical Edges of 2D Topological Insulators
Mott transition and dimerization in the one-dimensional SU$(n)$ Hubbard model
Mott transition and ferrimagnetism in the Hubbard model on the anisotropic kagomé lattice
Mott transition and heavy fermion state in the pyrochlore Hubbard model
Mott transition and integrable lattice models in two dimensions
Mott Transition and Phase Diagram of $κ$-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 Studied by Two-Dimensional Model Derived from Ab initio Method
Mott Transition and Strange Metal in Two Dimensions: A View from Cellular Dynamical Cluster Approximation
Mott transition and suppression of orbital fluctuations in orthorhombic 3$d^{1}$ perovskites
Mott transition and transport crossovers in the organic compound $κ-(BEDT-TTF)_2 Cu[N(CN)_2] Cl$
Mott transition at large orbital degeneracy: dynamical mean-field theory
Mott transition between a spin-liquid insulator and a metal in three dimensions
Mott Transition from a Spin Liquid to a Fermi Liquid in the Spin-Frustrated Organic Conductor kappa-(ET)2Cu2(CN)3
Mott Transition in a Valence Bond Solid Insulator with a Triangular Lattice
Mott transition in bosonic systems: Insights from the variational approach
Mott transition in Cr-doped V2O3 studied by ultrafast reflectivity: electron correlation effects on the transient response
Mott transition in Kagomé lattice Hubbard model