Momentum Resolved tunneling in a Luttinger Liquid
Momentum space anisotropy and pseudogaps: a comparative cluster dynamical mean field analysis of the doping-driven metal-insulator transition in the two dimensional Hubbard model
Momentum space topology and quantum phase transitions
Momentum-Dependent Hybridization Gap of The Kondo Semiconductor SmB6
Momentum-dependent light scattering in a 2D Heisenberg antiferromagnet
Momentum-dependent snapshots of a melting charge density wave
Momentum-Resolved Charge Excitations in a Prototype One Dimensional Mott Insulator
Momentum-resolved charge excitations in high-Tc cuprates studied by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Momentum-Resolved Inelastic X-ray Scattering as a Novel Tool to Study Charge Gap in Complex Insulators
Momentum-resolved single-particle spectral function for TiOCl from a combination of density functional and variational cluster calculations
Momentum-resolved spectral functions of SrVO$_3$ calculated by LDA+DMFT
Momentum-resolved tunneling between Luttinger liquids
Momentum-sector-selective metal-insulator transition in the eight-site dynamical mean-field approximation to the Hubbard model in two dimensions
Monoclinic and Correlated Metal Phase in VO_2 as Evidence of the Mott Transition: Coherent Phonon Analysis
Monopole Flux State on the Pyrochlore Lattice
Monopole Quantum Numbers in the Staggered Flux Spin Liquid
Monopoles in CP(N-1) model via the state-operator correspondence
Monopoles, magnetricity and the stray field from spin ice
Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Double Exchange Model Optimized for Parallel Computations
Monte Carlo Determination of the Low-Energy Constants of a Spin 1/2 Heisenberg Model with Spatial Anisotropy