Modeling of complex oxide materials from the first principles: systematic applications to vanadates RVO3 with distorted perovskite structure
Modeling of the Magnetic Susceptibilities of the Ambient- and High-Pressure Phases of (VO)_{2}P_{2}O_{7}
Modeling the iron oxides and oxyhydroxides for the prediction of environmentally sensitive phase transformations
Modeling vacancies and hydrogen impurities in graphene: A molecular point of view
Modelling colossal magnetoresistance manganites
Modelling of strain effects in manganite films
Modelling the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in the NiGa_2S_4
Modelling the Localized to Itinerant Electronic Transition in the Heavy Fermion System CeIrIn5
Models for gapped boundaries and domain walls
Models of coherent exciton condensation
Models of impurities in valence bond spin chains and ladders
Models of spin structures of Sr2RuO4
Models of Strong Interaction in Flat-Band Graphene Nanoribbons: Magnetic Quantum Crystals
Models of three-dimensional fractional topological insulators
Models with on-site symmetry protected topological order in two spatial dimension
Modes of magnetic resonance in the spin liquid phase of Cs2CuCl4
Modes of magnetic resonance of S=1 dimer chain compound NTENP
Modification of anatase TiO$_2$(001) surface electronic structure by Au impurity
Modification of the classical Heisenberg helimagnet by weak uniaxial anisotropy and magnetic field
Modification of the ground state in Sm-Sr manganites by oxygen isotope substitution