Mixed Heisenberg Chains. I. The Ground State Problem
Mixed Heisenberg Chains. II. Thermodynamics
Mixed moment wave function for magnetic heavy fermion compounds
Mixed phase and bound states in the phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model
Mixed Phases for the t-J Model
Mixed spin ladders with exotic ground states
Mixed valence on a pyrochlore lattice - LiV2O4 as a geometrically frustrated magnet
Mixed-phase description of colossal magnetoresistive manganites
Mixed-spin cluster expansion for a quasi-one-dimensional Haldane system
Mixed-Spin Ladders and Plaquette Spin Chains
Mixed-spin systems: coexistence of Haldane gap and antiferromagnetic long range order
Mixed-state aspects of an out-of-equilibrium Kondo problem in a quantum dot
Mixed-state dynamics in one-dimensional quantum lattice systems: a time-dependent superoperator renormalization algorithm
Mixed-valent regime of the two-channel Anderson impurity as a model for UBe_13
Mixing of $d_{x^2-y^2}$ and $d_{xy}$ superconducting states for different filling and temperature
Mixing of magnetic and phononic excitations in incommensurate Spin-Peierls systems
Mn L$_{2,3}$ edge resonant x-ray scattering in manganites: Influence of the magnetic state
Mn Site Substitution Of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 With Closed Shell Ions: Effect on Magnetic Transition Temperature
Mobile anti-phase domains in lightly doped lanthanum cuprate
Mobile Bipolaron