Magnetic character of the empty density of states in uranium compounds from X-ray magnetic circurlar dichroism
Magnetic circular dichroism of x-ray absorption spectroscopy at rare-earth L2,3 edges in RE2Fe14B compounds (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu)
Magnetic Circular Dichroism spectroscopy in epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films
Magnetic collective mode in underdoped cuprates: a phenomenological analysis
Magnetic Compton profiles of Fe and Ni corrected by dynamical electron correlations
Magnetic Correlation of NaxCoO2 and Successive Phase Transitions of Na0.5CoO2 -NMR and Neutron Diffraction Studies-
Magnetic correlations and quantum criticality in the insulating antiferromagnetic, insulating spin liquid, renormalized Fermi liquid, and metallic antiferromagnetic phases of the Mott system V_2O_3
Magnetic Correlations and the Anisotropic Kondo Effect in Ce1-xLaxAl3
Magnetic correlations around the Mott transition in the Kagomé lattice Hubbard model
Magnetic correlations in spin ice Ho2-xYxTi2O7 as revealed by neutron polarization analysis
Magnetic correlations in the Hubbard model on triangular and Kagome lattices
Magnetic Coupling and Long-Range Order in the Spin-Chain Sulphide Ba2cos3
Magnetic crossover and complex excitation spectrum of the ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain system alpha-TeVO4
Magnetic density of states at low energy in geometrically frustrated systems
Magnetic dilution in the geometrically frustrated SrCr$_{9p}$Ga$_{12-9p}$O$_{19}$ and the role of local dynamics: a $μ$SR study
Magnetic domain formation in itinerant metamagnets
Magnetic Domain Walls in Single-Phase and Phase-Separated Double Exchange Systems
Magnetic Domains and Stripes in the Spin-Fermion Model for Cuprates
Magnetic Double Structure for S=1, 1/2 Mixed-Spin Systems
Magnetic droplets in a metal close to a ferromagnetic quantum critical point