Magnetic Behavior in RRhX (R = rare earths; X=B, C) Compounds
Magnetic behavior of Ba_{3}Cu_{3}Sc_{4}O_{12}
Magnetic behavior of bulk and fine particles of RCr2Si2C (R = La, Ce)compounds: possible magnetic ordering from Cr
Magnetic behavior of Co ions in the exotic spin-chain compound,Ca3Co2O6, from 59Co NMR studies
Magnetic behavior of EuCu2As2: Delicate balance between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic order
Magnetic Behavior of La7Ru3O18
Magnetic behavior of nano crystals of a spin-chain system, Ca3Co2O6: Absence of multiple steps in the low temperature isothermal magnetization
Magnetic behavior of nanocrystalline ErCo2
Magnetic behavior of nanocrystalline LaMn2Ge2
Magnetic behavior of single crystalline Ho$_2$PdSi$_3$
Magnetic Behavior of Single Crystalline Pr_{5}Ge_{3} and Tb_{5}Ge_{3}Compounds
Magnetic behavior of spin-chain compounds, Sr3ZnRhO6 and Ca3NiMnO6, from heat capacity and ac susceptibility studies
Magnetic behavior of the spin-chain compounds,Ca3CuIrO6 and Ca3CuRhO6
Magnetic behaviour of Eu_2CuSi_3: Large negative magnetoresistance above Curie temperature
Magnetic behaviour of quasi-one-dimensional oxides, Ca$_3$Co$_(1+x)$Mn$_{1-x}$O$_6$
Magnetic Blue Phase in the Chiral Itinerant Magnet MnSi
Magnetic Bose glass phases of coupled antiferromagnetic dimers with site dilution
Magnetic Bound States in Dimerized Quantum Spin Systems
Magnetic bound states in the quarter-filled ladder system $α'-NaV_{2}O_{5}$}
Magnetic breakdown induced Peierls transition