Magnetic field dependent specific heat and enhanced Wilson ratio in strongly correlated layered cobalt oxide
Magnetic field dependent variable range hopping behaviour in resistivity at low temperatures in polycrystalline colossal magnetoresistive manganites: evidence of spin polarised tunnelling
Magnetic field driven instability of charged center in graphene
Magnetic Field Effect and Dielectric Anomalies at the Spin Reorientation Phase Transition of GdFe3(BO3)4
Magnetic Field Effect on Crossover Temperature from Non-Fermi Liquid to Fermi Liquid Behavior in f^2-Impurity Systems with Crystalline-Electric-Field Singlet State Competing with Kondo-Yosida Singlet State
Magnetic field effects and magnetic anisotropy in lightly doped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4
Magnetic field effects and renormalization of the long-range Coulomb interaction in Carbon Nanotubes
Magnetic field effects in few-level quantum dots: theory, and application to experiment
Magnetic Field Effects in the Pseudogap Phase: A Competing Energy Gap Scenario for Precursor Superconductivity
Magnetic Field Effects in the Pseudogap Phase: A Precursor Superconductivity Scenario
Magnetic field effects on low dimensional electron systems: Luttinger liquid behaviour in a Quantum Wire
Magnetic Field Effects on Neutron Diffraction in the Antiferromagnetic Phase of $UPt_3$
Magnetic Field Effects on Quasiparticles in Strongly Correlated Local Systems
Magnetic Field Effects on the Far-Infrared Absorption in Mn_12-acetate
Magnetic field effects on two-dimensional Kagome lattices
Magnetic field effects on two-leg Heisenberg antiferromagnetic ladders: Thermodynamic properties
Magnetic field induced chiral particle-hole condensates
Magnetic field induced Coulomb blockade in small disordered delta-doped heterostructures
Magnetic field induced flop of cycloidal spin order in multiferroic TbMnO3: The magnetic structure of the P||a phase
Magnetic field induced lattice anomaly inside the superconducting state of CeCoIn$_5$: evidence of the proposed Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state