Luttinger liquid with strong spin-orbital coupling and Zeeman splitting in quantum wires
Luttinger liquids with boundaries: Power-laws and energy scales
Luttinger liquids with curvature: Density correlations and Coulomb drag effect
Luttinger liquids with multiple Fermi edges: Generalized Fisher-Hartwig conjecture and numerical analysis of Toeplitz determinants
Luttinger Liquids: The Basic Concepts
Luttinger parameters and momentum distribution function for the half-filled spinless fermion Holstein model: A DMRG approach
Luttinger Stripes in Antiferromagnets
Luttinger sum rule for finite systems of correlated electrons
Luttinger Sum Rule in Slave-Particle Theories
Luttinger theorem for a spin-density-wave state
Luttinger Theorem in One Dimensional Metals
Luttinger's Theorem and Bosonization of the Fermi Surface
Luttinger-liquid Parameter of Hubbard Chain and Hubbard Ladder
Luttinger-liquid-like behavior in bulk crystals of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor NbSe$_3$
Luttinger-liquid-like transport in long InSb nanowires
Luttinger-Ward functional approach in the Eliashberg framework : A systematic derivation of scaling for thermodynamics near a quantum critical point