Lower bound for the segregation energy in the Falicov-Kimball model
Lower bounds for the conductivities of correlated quantum systems
Lower Bounds on the Exchange-Correlation Energy in Reduced Dimensions
Lowest Landau level bosonization
LSDA+U approximation-based analysis of the electronic estructure of CeFeGe3
Luther-Emery Phase and Atomic-Density Waves in a Trapped Fermion Gas
Luttinger liquid ARPES spectra from samples of Li$_{0.9}$Mo$_6$O$_{17}$ grown by the temperature gradient flux technique
Luttinger liquid behavior in multi-wall carbon nanotubes
Luttinger liquid behavior in single wall nanotubes
Luttinger liquid behavior in spin chains with a magnetic field
Luttinger liquid coupled to Bose-Einstein condensation reservoirs
Luttinger liquid fixed point for a 2D flat Fermi surface
Luttinger liquid parameter for the spin-1 Heisenberg chain in a magnetic field
Luttinger liquid phenomenology and angle resolved photoemission for single layer $\chem{Bi_2Sr_{2-x}La_xCuO_{6+δ}}$ high--temperature superconductor
Luttinger Liquid Physics and Spin-Flip Scattering on Helical Edges
Luttinger Liquid State with Effective Attractive Hare-Core Interaction
Luttinger liquid superlattices
Luttinger liquid superlattices: realization of gapless insulating phases
Luttinger liquid with asymmetric dispersion
Luttinger liquid with asymmetric dispersion