Kondo effect in the presence of spin-orbit coupling
Kondo Effect in the Transport Through a Quantum Dot: Extended Noncrossing Approximation Approach
Kondo effect in transport through Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher interferometers
Kondo effect in transport through molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces: from Fano dips to Kondo peaks
Kondo effect in two-dimensional disordered electron systems
Kondo effect in XXZ spin chains
Kondo Effect of a Magnetic Ion Vibrating in a Harmonic Potential
Kondo Effect of a Vibrating Magnetic Impurity
Kondo effect of an adatom in graphene and its scanning tunneling spectroscopy
Kondo effect of an adsorbed cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) molecule: the role of quantum interference
Kondo effect of Co adatoms on Ag monolayers on noble metal surfaces
Kondo effect of impurity moments in d-wave superconductors: Quantum phase transition and spectral properties
Kondo effect of magnetic impurities on nanotubes
Kondo effect of non-magnetic impurities and the co-existing charge order in the cuprate superconductors
Kondo Effect on Mesoscopic Scale (Review)
Kondo Effects and Multipolar Order in the cubic PrTr2Al20 (Tr=Ti, V)
Kondo engineering : from single Kondo impurity to the Kondo lattice
Kondo hole in one-dimensional Kondo insulators
Kondo impurities in nanotubes: the importance of being "in"
Kondo impurity on the honeycomb lattice at half-filling