Gate voltage effects in capacitively coupled quantum dots
Gate-controlled Kondo screening in graphene: Quantum criticality and electron-hole asymmetry
Gate-induced band ferromagnetism in an organic polymer
Gate-Induced Mott Transition
Gauge drag between half-filled Landau levels
Gauge field theory of transport and magnetic relaxation in underdoped cuprates
Gauge fields and curvature in graphene
Gauge invariance and electron spectral functions in underdoped cuprates
Gauge invariance, correlated fermions, and Meissner effect in 2+1 dimensions
Gauge invariant dressed holon and spinon in doped cuprates
Gauge invariant fermion propagator in QED3
Gauge invariant response functions in Algebraic Fermi liquids
Gauge symmetry in Kitaev-type spin models and index theorems on odd manifolds
Gauge theory of the Hubbard model on honeycomb lattice and its instanton effect
Gauge Theory Pairing and Spin Fluctuations Near the Quantum Critical Point
Gauge theory picture of an ordering transition in a dimer model
Gauge-field fluctuations in 3D topological Mott insulators
Gauge-invariant Green function in 3+1 dimensional QED (QCD) and 2+1 dimensional Abelian (Non-Abelian) Chern-Simon theory
Gaussian Effective Potential and Antiferromagnetism in the Hubbard Model
Gaussian fluctuation corrections to the BCS mean field gap amplitude at zero temperature