Gapless Bosonic Excitation without symmetry breaking: Novel Algebraic Spin liquid with soft Gravitons
Gapless Excitation above a Domain Wall Ground State in a Flat Band Hubbard Model
Gapless Fermions and Quantum Order
Gapless Haldane phase in realistic systems
Gapless line for the anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain in a magnetic field and the quantum axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising Chain
Gapless Magnetic and Quasiparticle Excitations due to the Coexistence of Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in CeRhIn$_5$ : A study of $^{115}$In-NQR under Pressure
Gapless Phase in the XYZ Spin-1/2 Chain in a Magnetic Field and the Quantum ANNNI Chain
Gapless points of dimerized quantum spin chains: analytical and numerical studies
Gapless quantum spin liquid, stripe and antiferromagnetic phases in frustrated Hubbard models in two dimensions
Gapless spin liquids on the three dimensional hyper-kagome lattice of Na$_4$Ir$_3$O$_8$
Gapless superconductivity and the Fermi arc in the cuprates
Gapless surface states in a lattice of coupled cavities: a photonic analog of topological crystalline insulators
Gapped Heisenberg spin chains in a field
Gapped itinerant spin excitations account for missing entropy in the hidden order state of URu$_2$Si$_2$
Gapped optical excitations from gapless phases: imperfect nesting in unconventional density waves
Gapped spin liquid states in a one-dimensional Hubbard model with antiferromagnetic exchange interaction
Gapped state in three-leg $S=1/2$ Heisenberg tube
Gaps and excitations in fullerides with partially filled bands : NMR study of Na2C60 and K4C60
Gate controlled Spin-Density Wave and Chiral FFLO Superconducting phases in interacting Quantum Spin Hall edge states
Gate tunable charged-phonon effect in bilayer graphene