Effect of suppression of local distortion on magnetic, electrical and thermal transport properties of Cr substituted bi-layer manganite LaSr$_{2}$Mn$_{2}$O$_{7}$
Effect of symmetry breaking perturbations in the one-dimensional SU(4) spin-orbital model
Effect of Ta(5+) Substitution on the Ground State of CMR Manganites
Effect of temperature on quantum criticality in the frustrated two-leg Heisenberg ladder
Effect of the additional second neighbor hopping on the charge dynamics in the t-J model
Effect of the additional second neighbor hopping on the spin dynamics in the t-J model
Effect of the exchange hole on the Gutzwiller approximation in one dimension
Effect of the In-Plane Magnetic Field on Conduction of the Si-inversion Layer: Magnetic Field Driven Disorder
Effect of the next-nearest neighbor hopping on the stability and band structure of the incommensurate phases in the cuprates
Effect of the spin-orbit interaction and the electron phonon coupling on the electronic state in a silicon vacancy
Effect of the tetrahedral distortion on the electronic properties of iron-pnictides
Effect of the W-term for a t-U-W Hubbard ladder
Effect of Thermal Fluctuation on Spectral Function for the Tomonaga-Luttinger Model
Effect of Ti doping on the electrical transport and magnetic properties of layered compound Na0.8CoO2
Effect of Ti4+ substitution on structural, transport and magnetic properties of La0.67Sr0.33Mn1-xTixO3
Effect of Tilted Magnetic Field on the Anomalous H=0 Conducting Phase in High-Mobility Si MOSFETs
Effect of Umklapp Scattering on Magnetic Field Penetration Depth in High-Tc Cuprates
Effect of uniaxial pressure on the magneto-structural transitions of iron arsenide superconductors
Effect of vertex corrections on the longitudinal transport through multilayered nanostructures: Exact dynamical mean-field theory approach applied to the inhomogeneous Falicov-Kimball model
Effective action and density functional theory