Effect of Magnetic field on the Pseudogap Phenomena in High-Tc Cuprates
Effect of magnetic frustration on single-hole spectral function in the t-t'-t''-J model
Effect of magnetic ordering on the electronic structure of metals
Effect of Mn substitution by Ga on the optical properties of a metallic manganite
Effect of Mo doping for the Mn site in the ferromagnetic manganite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
Effect of Na content and hydration on the excitation spectrum of the cobaltite Na_xCoO_2 yH_2O
Effect of Nd substitution on the magnetic order in CexNd1?xB6 solid solutions
Effect of nearest neighbor repulsion on the low frequency phase diagram of a quarter-filled Hubbard-Holstein chain
Effect of nearest- and next-nearest neighbor interactions on the spin-wave velocity of one-dimensional quarter-filled spin-density-wave conductors
Effect of next-nearest neighbor hopping on the spin dynamics in antiferromagnets
Effect of Non-Magnetic Impurities (Zn,Li) in a Hole Doped Spin-Fermion Model for Cuprates
Effect of non-magnetic impurities on the magnetic states of anatase TiO$_2$
Effect of nonadiabatic switching of dynamic perturbations in 1d Fermi systems
Effect of nonlocal interactions on the disorder-induced zero-bias anomaly in the Anderson-Hubbard model
Effect of nonmagnetic disorder on criticality in the "dirty" U(1) spin liquid
Effect of nonmagnetic impurities on stripes in high-Tc cuprates
Effect of Nonmagnetic Impurity in Nearly Antiferromagnetic Fermi Liquid: Magnetic Correlations and Transport Phenomena
Effect of one-ion L-S coupling on magnetic properties of a correlated spin-orbit system
Effect of orbital currents on the restricted optical sum rule
Effect of Oxygen Content on Magnetic Properties of Layered Cobaltites PrBaCo2O5+δ