Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the ambient pressure superconductor CePt_3Si
Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Kondo Effect in the Heavy Fermion System Yb$_2$Fe$_3$Si$_5$
Effect of Impurities and Effective Masses on Spin-Dependent Electrical Transport in Ferromagnet-Normal Metal-Ferromagnet Hybrid Junctions
Effect of impurities on quasi-2D quantum antiferromagnet
Effect of Impurities with Internal Structure on Multiband Superconductors - Possible Enhancement of Transition Temperature -
Effect of impurity pinning on conduction and specific heat in the Luttinger liquid
Effect of Inter-Site Repulsions on Magnetic Susceptibility of One-Dimensional Electron Systems at Quarter-Filling
Effect of iron-doping on spin-state transition and ferromagnetism in Pr$_{0.5}$Ca$_{0.5}$CoO$_{3-δ}$ cobalt oxides
Effect of Jahn-Teller coupling on Curie temperature in the Double Exchange Model
Effect of Kondo resonance on optical third harmonic generation
Effect of La doping on magnetic structure in heavy fermion CeRhIn5
Effect of Level Statistics on Local Magnetism in Nanoscale Metallic Grains
Effect of ligand substitution on the exchange interactions in {Mn12}-type single-molecule magnets
Effect of light Sr doping on the spin-state transition in LaCoO_3
Effect of linear density of states on the quasi-particle dynamics and small electron-phonon coupling in graphite
Effect of local charge fluctuations on spin physics in the Neel state of La$_2$CuO$_4$
Effect of magnesium doping on the orbital and magnetic order in LiNiO2
Effect of magnetic disorder and strong electron correlations on the thermodynamics of CrN
Effect of magnetic field in heavy-fermion compound YbCo$_2$Zn$_{20}$
Effect of magnetic field on spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking