Effect of electron-electron interaction on the Fermi surface topology of doped graphene
Effect of Electron-Electron Interactions on Rashba-like and Spin-Split Systems
Effect of electron-lattice interaction on the phase separation in strongly correlated electron systems with two types of charge carriers
Effect of electron-phonon coupling on transmission through Luttinger liquid hybridized with resonant level
Effect of electron-phonon interaction range on lattice polaron dynamics: a continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo study
Effect of electronic interactions on the persistent current in one-dimensional disordered rings
Effect of Exclusion of Double Occupancies in t-J Model: Extension of Gutzwiller Approximation
Effect of external electric field on the charge density waves in one dimensional Hubbard superlattices
Effect of Fe substitution on the magnetic, transport, thermal and magnetocaloric properties in Ni50Mn38-xFexSb12 Heusler alloys
Effect of Ferromagnetic Spin Correlations on Superconductivity in Ferromagnetic Metals
Effect of Fibonacci Modulation On Superconductivity
Effect of frustration on charge dynamics for a doped two-dimensional triangular Hubbard lattice: Comparison with a square lattice
Effect of Ga doping on magnetotransport properties in collosal magnetoresistive La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-xGaxO3 (0 < x < 0.1)
Effect of Hetrovalent substitution at Mn site on the Magnetic and Transport Properties of La$_{0.67}$Sr$_{0.33}$MnO$_3$
Effect of Hole Doping on the Electronic Structure of Tl2201
Effect of Hubbard U on the construction of low energy Hamiltonians for LaMnO_3 via maximally localized Wannier functions
Effect of Hund coupling in the one-dimensional SU(4) Hubbard model
Effect of Hund's exchange on the spectral function of a triply orbital degenerate correlated metal
Effect of Hund's rule coupling on SU(4) spin-orbital system
Effect of hybridization on the magnetic properties of correlated two-band metals