Effect of cation size variance on spin and orbital order in Eu$_{1-x}$(La$_{0.254}$Y$_{0.746}$)$_{x}$VO$_3$
Effect of chemical disorder on NiMnSb investigated by Appearance Potential Spectroscopy: a theoretical study
Effect of Chemical Pressure on the Charge Density Wave Transition in Rare-earth Tritellurides RTe_3
Effect of chemical substitution and pressure on YbRh2Si2
Effect of chemical substitution in Rh17S15
Effect of core-valence intra-atomic quadrupolar interaction in resonant x-ray scattering at the Dy M$_{4,5}$ edges in DyB$_2$C$_2$
Effect of Coulomb interaction on the gap in monolayer and bilayer graphene
Effect of coulomb long range interactions on the Mott transition
Effect of Crystal Structure to Resonant X-Ray Scattering on YTiO3
Effect of Crystal-Field Splitting and Inter-Band Hybridization on the Metal-Insulator Transitions of Strongly Correlated Systems
Effect of different site energies on polaronic properties
Effect of dimerization on dynamics of spin-charge separation in Pariser-Parr-Pople model: A time-dependent density matrix renormalization group study
Effect of disorder and electron-phonon interaction on interlayer tunnelling current in quantum Hall bilayer
Effect of disorder on a Pomeranchuk instability
Effect of dopant atoms on local superexchange in cuprate superconductors: a perturbative treatment
Effect of Doublon-Holon Binding on Mott transition---Variational Monte Carlo Study of Two-Dimensional Bose Hubbard Models
Effect of Dynamical Coulomb Correlations on the Fermi Surface of Na_0.3CoO_2
Effect of Electric Field on One-Dimensional Insulators: A DMRG study
Effect of electric/magnetic field on pinned/biased moments at the interfaces of magnetic superlattices
Effect of Electron Correlation on the Bragg Reflection