Effective Hamiltonian for transition-metal compounds. Application to Na_xCoO_2
Effective Hamiltonian of Three-orbital Hubbard Model on Pyrochlore Lattice: Application to LiV_2O_4
Effective Hamiltonians for holes in antiferromagnets: a new approach to implement forbidden double occupancy
Effective Hamiltonians for large-S pyrochlore antiferromagnet
Effective Hamiltonians for some highly frustrated magnets
Effective Heisenberg-Model Description of the Coupled Spin-Pseudospin Model for Quarter-Filled Ladders
Effective Interaction between the inter-penetrating Kagome lattices in Na_xCoO_2
Effective interaction potential and superfluid-solid transition of spatially indirect excitons
Effective interactions and large-scale diagonalization for quantum dots
Effective interactions between parallel-spin electrons in two-dimensional jellium approaching the magnetic phase transition
Effective interactions in multi-band systems from constrained summations
Effective Low-Energy Model for f-Electron Delocalization
Effective mass at the surface of a Fermi liquid
Effective mass in quasi two-dimensional systems
Effective Mass Ratio & positive colossal magnetoresistance of a Nano-wire
Effective masses in a strongly anisotropic Fermi liquid
Effective model of the electronic Griffiths phase
Effective Operator for $dd$ Transitions in Nonresonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
Effective pairing interaction in the two-dimensional Hubbard model within a spin rotationally invariant approach
Effective Quantum Dimer Model for the Kagome Heisenberg Antiferromagnet: Nearby Quantum Critical Point and Hidden Degeneracy