Effective action approach to strongly correlated fermion systems
Effective action for strongly correlated electron systems
Effective action for the Kondo lattice model. New approach for S=1/2
Effective action for vortex dynamics in clean d-wave superconductors
Effective action of the weakly doped t-J model and spin-wave excitations in the spin-glass phase of La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4
Effective action, magnetic excitations and quantum fluctuations in lightly doped single layer cuprates
Effective actions for spin ladders
Effective anisotropy of thin nanomagnets: beyond the surface anisotropy approach
Effective approach to the Nagaoka regime of the two dimensional t-J model
Effective Band Structure of Correlated Materials - The Case of VO2
Effective band-structure in the insulating phase versus strong dynamical correlations in metallic VO2
Effective charge of a deconfined slave particle: Comment on ``Confinement of Slave Particles in U(1) Gauge Theories of Strongly Interacting Electrons''
Effective Coulomb interaction in transition metals from constrained random-phase approximation
Effective Coulomb interactions in solids under pressure
Effective Coulomb interactions within BEDT-TTF dimers
Effective Crystalline Electric Field Potential in a j-j Coupling Scheme
Effective dimension of quasiparticle states and remnant Fermi surface in oxychlorides Ca_2CuO_2Cl_2 and Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2
Effective Dimensionality and Band Structure of alpha-Nav_2o_5 Compound: 1D or 2D?
Effective electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in the Hubbard-Holstein model
Effective electron-electron interaction in a two dimensional paramagnetic system