Decoherence of Schrodinger cat states in a Luttinger liquid
Decoherence of the Kondo Singlet Caused by Phase-sensitive Detection
Decohering the Fermi liquid: A dual approach to the Mott Transition
Decomposition of fractional quantum Hall states: New symmetries and approximations
Deconfined criticality critically defined
Deconfined criticality, runaway flow in the two-component scalar electrodynamics and weak first-order superfluid-solid transitions
Deconfined Fractionally Charged Excitation in Any Dimensions
Deconfined quantum criticality and logarithmic violations of scaling from emergent gauge symmetry
Deconfined quantum criticality and Neel order via dimer disorder
Deconfined Quantum Criticality at the Quantum Phase Transition from Antiferromagnetism to Algebraic Spin Liquid
Deconfined quantum criticality driven by Dirac fermions in SU(2) antiferromagnets
Deconfined quantum criticality in the two dimensional Kondo lattice model
Deconfined quantum criticality of the O(3) nonlinear $σ$ model in two spacial dimensions: A renormalization group study
Deconfinement and cold atoms in optical lattices
Deconfinement and criticality in extended two-dimensional dimer models
Deconfinement and quantum liquid crystalline states of dipolar fermions in optical lattices
Deconfinement in d=1: A closer look
Deconfinement in the presence of a Fermi surface
Deconfinement of Spinons on Critical Points: Multi-Flavor CP$^1$ + U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions
Deconfinement phase transition in a two-dimensional model of interacting $2\times 2$ plaquettes