Weighted Ensemble Path Sampling for Multiple Reaction Channels
Weighted-Interaction Nestedness Estimator (WINE): A new estimator to calculate over frequency matrices
What are the benefits of bound (protonation) states for the electron-transfer kinetics?
What can we learn about the lipid vesicle structure from the small-angle neutron scattering experiment? (Investigation DMPC vesicle structure by small angle neutron scattering)
What causes a neuron to spike?
What governs the fluidic behavior of water near single DNA molecules at the micro/nano scale
What is special about water as a matrix of life?
What is the optimal anthropoid primate diet?
Where To Go and How To Go: a Theoretical Study of Different Leader Roles in Networked Systems
Why is life so exact?
Winner-take-all selection in a neural system with delayed feedback
Wobbling of What?
Writhing Geometry of Open DNA
X-Ray Kinematography of Temperature-Jump Relaxation Probes the Elastic Properties of Fluid Bilayers
X-ray microanalysis in STEM of short-term physico-chemical reactions at bioactive glass particles / biological fluids interface. Determination of O/Si atomic ratios
X-ray phase contrast imaging of biological specimens with tabletop synchrotron radiation
X-Ray Powder Diffraction from Sub-Micron Crystals of Photosystem-1 Membrane Protein
Zipf's Law in Gene Expression
Zipf's Law in Importance of Genes for Cancer Classification Using Microarray Data