SIR epidemics in monogamous populations with recombination
Sivian and White revisited: the role of resonant thermal noise pressure on the eardrum in auditory thresholds
Sliding Mechanism for Actin Myosin System
Small amplitude waves and stability for a pre-stressed viscoelastic solid
Soft modes near the buckling transition of icosahedral shells
Soliton concepts and the protein structure
Soliton driven relaxation dynamics and universality in protein collapse
Solution of the Unanimity Rule on exponential, uniform and scalefree networks: A simple model for biodiversity collapse in foodwebs
Solution Poisson-Boltzmann equation: Application in the Human Neuron Membrane
Solutions of the Haeussler-von der Malsburg Equations in Manifolds with Constant Curvatures
Solvation model dependency of helix-coil transition in polyalanine
Solving the Advection-Diffusion Equations in Biological Contexts using the Cellular Potts Model
Solving the boundary value problem for finite Kirchhoff rods
Solving the riddle of the bright mismatches: hybridization in oligonucleotide arrays
Some Exact Results of Hopfield Neural Networks and Applications
Some Exact Self-Similar Solutions to a Density-Dependent Reaction-Diffusion Model
Some topics in the kinetics of protein aggregation
Spatial and temporal dynamics of infected populations: the Mexican epidemic
Spatial and topological organization of DNA chains induced by gene co-localization
Spatial clustering of interacting bugs: Levy flights versus Gaussian jumps