Sensitive dependence of the motion of a legged robot on granular media
Sensitivity Analysis of Stoichiometric Networks: An Extension of Metabolic Control Analysis to Non-equilibrium Trajectories
Sequence-Dependent Effects on the Properties of Semiflexible Biopolymers
Sequence-specific size, structure, and stability of tight protein knots
Sequential Sparsening by Successive Adaptation in Neural Populations
Shannon entropies of the distributions of various electroencephalograms from epileptic humans
Shape Changes of Self-Assembled Actin Bilayer Composite Membranes
Shear-Induced Unfolding Activates von Willebrand Factor A2 Domain for Proteolysis
Shifting gears: Thermodynamics of genetic information storage suggest stress-dependence of mutation rate, which can accelerate adaptation
Shock of three-state model for intracellular transport of kinesin KIF1A
Short-term memory effects of an auditory biofeedback on isometric force control: Is there a differential effect as a function of transition trials?
Shuffling Yeast Gene Expression Data
Side chain and backbone ordering in a polypeptide
Signal detection by means of phase coherence induced through phase resetting
Signal Selection Based on Stochastic Resonance
Silicon-based nanochannel glucose sensor
Simple Combined Model for Nonlinear Excitations in DNA
Simple estimation of absolute free energies for biomolecules
Simple Mechanical Equivalents of Stepping Rotary Dynamics in F$_1$-ATPase
Simplicial edge representation of protein structures and alpha contact potential with confidence measure