Dynamical phase coexistence: A simple solution to the "savanna problem"
Dynamical Riemannian Geometry and Plant Growth
Dynamical Self-regulation in Self-propelled Particle Flows
Dynamical transition, hydrophobic interface, and the temperature dependence of electrostatic fluctuations in proteins
Dynamical transitions in the evolution of learning algorithms by selection
Dynamical versus statistical mesoscopic models for DNA denaturation
Dynamics and Efficiency of Brownian Rotors
Dynamics in Soft-Matter and Biology Studied by Coherent Scattering Probes
Dynamics of a FitzHugh-Nagumo system subjected to autocorrelated noise
Dynamics of a viscous vesicle in linear flows
Dynamics of allosteric action in multisite protein modification
Dynamics of Coupled Adaptive Elements : Bursting and Intermittent Oscillations Generated by Frustration in Networks
Dynamics of DNA breathing in the Peyrard-Bishop model with damping and external force
Dynamics of forced biopolymer translocation
Dynamics of Human Walking
Dynamics of Immobilized Flagella
Dynamics of lattice spins as a model of arrhythmia
Dynamics of path aggregation in the presence of turnover
Dynamics of polydisperse irreversible adsorption: a pharmacological example