Biophysics of risk aversion based on neurotransmitter receptor theory
Bistability and resonance in the periodically stimulated Hodgkin-Huxley model with noise
Bistability in the Chemical Master Equation for Dual Phosphorylation Cycles
Bone in vivo: Surface mapping technique
Boolean networks with reliable dynamics
Boolean networks with robust and reliable trajectories
Boundary-induced orientation of dynamic filament networks and vesicle agglomerations
Branching Law for Axons
Breakdown of Long-Range Correlations in Heart Rate Fluctuations During Meditation
Broad-tailed force distributions and velocity ordering in a heterogeneous membrane model for collective cell migration
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy on Human Blood
Brownian Motion after Einstein: Some new applications and new experiments
Brownian motion, ionic flux, catalytic reaction and heterogeneous nucleation in biological systems
Bubbles and denaturation in DNA
Buckling transition in icosahedral shells subjected to volume conservation constraint and pressure: relations to virus maturation
Budding and Fission of a multiphase vesicle