X-ray Measurements of the Intercluster Medium and Interferometric Observations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in Abell 2218
X-ray Measures of Two New Double-Degenerate, Ultracompact AM CVn Binaries
X-ray Microcalorimeter Research For Solar Physics At LMSAL And NIST: An Update
X-ray Monitoring Observations of AGNs
X-ray monitoring of NGC~4507: X-ray absorption by Broad Line Clouds
X-ray monitoring of optical novae in M31 (Pietsch+, 2007)
X-ray monitoring of V1494 Aql
X-Ray Morphology,Kinematics and Geometry of the Eridanus Soft X-Ray Enhancement
X-ray narrow line region variability as a geometry probe: The case of NGC 5548
X-ray Nova Alerts System of MAXI
X-ray Observations and the Nuclear Star Cluster in NGC 2139
X-ray Observations of a New Class of Radio Bursting Neutron Stars
X-ray observations of Abell 2218 and implications for the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
X-ray observations of cataclysmic variables
X-ray Observations of Composite-Type Supernova Remnants
X-ray observations of M33 with the high resolution imager on the Einstein Observatory
X-Ray Observations of New Gamma-Ray Pulsars Discovered by Fermi
X-ray Observations of Novae
X-ray Observations of Recent Classical Novae: on the Fast Recovery of a Cataclysmic Variable after a Nova Explosion
X-Ray Observations of Superbubbles in Dwarf Galaxies