Passion for Precision
Passive cooling of gossamer telescopes
Passive Microwave Sounding of Jupiter's Atmosphere From an Orbiting Spacecraft
Passive monitoring of anisotropy change associated with the Parkfield 2004 earthquake
Past and Future EUROMET Collections of Micrometeorites and "Minimeteorites" in Greenland and Antarctica
Past and future sensitivity of primary production to human modification of the landscape
Past and Future Solar Activity from Cosmogenic Radionuclides
Past and recent changes in the large-scale tropospheric cycles of lead and other heavy metals as documented in Antarctic and Greenland snow and ice: A review
Past and recent tritium levels in Arctic and Antarctic polar caps
Past successful minor planet occultation events from Southland - Part 1
Patches in the polar ionosphere: UT and seasonal dependence
Patchy Reconnection in a Solar Post-CME Current Sheet
Path Integral Understanding in the Context of the Electromagnetic Theory
Patina on Apollo 17 Breccia 76015: SEM Petrography and Mossbauer Spectrometry
Pattern speed domains in ringed disk galaxies from observational and simulational databases
Pattern speeds of spiral galaxies using the Tremaine-Weinberg method
Pattern Synthesis From Calibration Mode Measurements
Patterns and dynamics of solar magnetic fields and HeI coronal holes in cycle 23
Patterns in the Distribution of Small Volcanoes Around Coronae of Different Morphologies on the Surface of Venus
Patterns in the Long Term Behavior of Eclipsing Binary Star System 44i-Bootis