Magnetic field measurements of helium-strong stars
Magnetic field measurements on board Venera 13, Venera 14 and Venera Halley
Magnetic Field Modeling of 78~Vir from the Analysis of Cr II Lines
Magnetic field modelling on the CP stars
Magnetic field of Mars based on data from the Mars-5 satellite
Magnetic Field of the Earth and Planets
Magnetic field oscillations of sunspots?
Magnetic field power density spectra during 'scatter-free' solar particle events
Magnetic field properties of the intermediate transition of the Venus ionosheath
Magnetic field rotation through the magnetopause - ISEE 1 and 2 observations
Magnetic Field Signature Of Super Earths
Magnetic Field Structure of Pressure Balanced Structures from Ulysses High Latitudes Observations
Magnetic field study in single late giants
Magnetic field waves at Uranus
Magnetic field waves at Uranus
Magnetic Field-Decay-Induced Electron Captures: a Strong Heat Source in Magnetar Crusts
Magnetic Fields and Hα Filament Formation during Solar Minimum
Magnetic Fields and Multiple Protostar Formation
Magnetic Fields and other Parameters of the Diffuse Galactic ISM
Magnetic Fields and Rotation in the Interior of the Sun and Stars