Habitable Zones Around Stars and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Habitat segregation of elliptical galaxies - Box-shaped in clusters while disk-shaped in the field ?
Habitats for life in the Venusian Environment? Can the VENUS EXPRESS payload answer?
Hadean Crustal Processes and the Transition to Phanerozoic-style Plate Tectonics
Hadley-Halley Circulation on Venus.
Hadron cross sections at ultrahigh energies and unitarity bounds on diffraction
Hadron Production and Radial Flow in AU+AU Collisions at Rhic-Phenix
Hadron spectra in gold+gold collisions at the BNL AGS
Hadronic interactions and primary-cosmic-ray composition at energies around 1015-1016 eV derived from the analysis of high-energy gamma families
HADS in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Initial Findings from the SuperMACHO Project
Haffner 19 UBV(RI)c photometry (Moreno-Corral+,
Hafnium and neodymium isotopes in seawater and in ferromanganese crusts: The “element perspective”
Hafnium and the R-Process in the Sun and Metal-Poor Stars
Hafnium Isotope Composition of Archean Zircons from Xenoliths of the Snake River Plain, Idaho
Hafnium isotope evidence for `conservative' element mobility during subduction zone processes
Hafnium tungsten chronometry of angrites and the earliest evolution of planetary objects
Hafnium-tungsten chronometry and the timing of terrestrial core formation
Hale cycle effects in cosmic ray east-west anisotropy and interplanetary magnetic field
Hale-Bopp and Its Sodium Tails
Hale-Bopp Imaging with the New Narrowband Comet Filters