Cancelling magnetic feature and filament activation
CANDELS Results on High-Redshift AGN and Early Black Hole Growth
Candels: GOODS-S1 And GOODS-S2 Strong Lens Candidates.
CANDELS: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey
Candidate Asteroids for Discerning General Relativity and Solar Oblateness
Candidate extrasolar planet transits discovered in the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics-I Galactic bulge data
Candidate halo dark matter (Oppenheimer+, 2001)
Candidate Isolated Neutron Stars and Other Stellar X-ray Sources from ROSAT and SDSS
Candidate Kinematic Groups Among Stars with Planets: Sister stars to extrasolar planets?
Candidate Mission from Planet Earth control and data delivery system architecture
Candidate Progenitor of the Type Ib SN 2010O in NGC 3690
Candidate Red Clump stars in the Tycho-2 (Rybka+, 2007)
Canonical quantisation and local measure of R2 gravity
Canup, Sigman, and Thompson Receive 2004 James B. Macelwane Medal
Capabilities of the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) for Astronomical Surveys.
Capability of observation of comets rotating around neighboring stars
Capacity building in space law and space policy
Cape Verde hotspot from the upper crust to the top of the lower mantle
CAPELLA photometric package: test and practical use.
Capture Of Irregular Satellites During Planetary Encounters