A condition for the genotype-phenotype mapping: Causality
A Conjectured R-Matrix
A connection between HH3 and KdV with one source
A connection between the Camassa-Holm equations and turbulent flows in channels and pipes
A consistent approach for the treatment of Fermi acceleration in time-dependent billiards
A construction for R-matrices without difference property in the spectral parameter
A constructive approach to the soliton solutions of integrable quadrilateral lattice equations
A Continuum Description of Vibrated Sand
A convenient criterion under which Z_2-graded operators are Hamiltonian
A Convexity Theorem in the Scattering Theory for the Dirac Operator
A Coordinate-Free Construction for a Class of Integrable Hydrodynamic-Type Systems
A Coupled AKNS-Kaup-Newell Soliton Hierarchy
A coupled Volterra system and its exact solutions
A Criterion for Stability in Random Boolean Cellular Automata
A Critical "Dimension" in a Shell Model for Turbulence
A critical Ising model on the Labyrinth
A Cross-Over in the Enstrophy Decay in Two-Dimensional Turbulence in a Finite Box
A Determinant Formula for a Class of Rational Solutions of Painlevé V Equation
A Deterministic Approach to the Synchronization of Cellular Automata
A Diffusion Equation for Quantum Adiabatic Systems