$p$-adic discrete dynamical systems and their applications in physics and cognitive sciences
$P_\infty$ algebra of KP, free fermions and 2-cocycle in the Lie algebra of pseudodifferential operators
$q$-analogue of modified KP hierarchy and its quasi-classical limit
$q$-Breathers in finite lattices: nonlinearity and weak disorder
$R$-matrices and Hamiltonian Structures for Certain Lax Equations
$sl(2|1)^{(2)}$ Gaudin Magnet and its associated Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation
$w_{\infty}$ 3-algebra and integrable system
$\hbar \to 0$ in Kicked Harper Model: Reassurances and Surprises
$\hbar$ corrections in semi-classical formula for smooth chaotic dynamics
$π$-kinks in strongly ac driven sine-Gordon systems
'Animal spirits' and expectations in U.S. recession forecasting
'Universality' of the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy
(1+1)-dimensional separation of variables
(1+1)-dimensional turbulence
(1+1)-dimensional turbulence systems reduced from (2+1)-dimensional Lax integrable dispersive long wave equation
(2+0)-Dimensional Integrable Equations and Exact Solutions
(2+1)D surface solitons at the interface between a linear medium and a nonlocal nonlinear medium
(Global and Local) Fluctuations of Phase Space Contraction in Deterministic Stationary Non-equilibrium
(Non)local Hamiltonian and symplectic structures, recursions, and hierarchies: a new approach and applications to the N=1 supersymmetric KdV equation
(Vanishing) Twist in the Saddle-Centre and Period-Doubling Bifurcation